Our Programs
In partnership with families, the staff of HCS participate in the beautiful task of instilling in our Kindergarten children a deeper knowledge and awareness of their Creator God. We work together in community to guide these little children to respond to their calling as disciples of Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we seek to equip them for lives of service that reflect Christ’s love to others and provide opportunities to engage in caring for God’s marvelous creation. As these young children learn and play together in a Christ-filled school environment, they discover ways to become the loving hands of Jesus in a broken, but redeemed world.
The Kindergarten program at HCS is a part-time program that meets three days each week. We acknowledge that children develop the many interconnected aspects of themselves at varying rates. While the school environment offers rich experiences to engage in discovery and investigation, so too, the home and extended community offer valuable opportunities essential for healthy growth and development. The part-time structure of our Kindergarten program allows our youngest students to adjust to school life incrementally. The time together in the school environment is prioritized and structured with care to ensure a well-rounded educational experience that excites children about learning as they develop new skills and ponder new ideas.
If your child is approaching Kindergarten age, and this foundational worldview speaks to your heart’s desire, be sure to take a look at our admissions process and reach out to book an on-campus visit or to engage in an introductory phone call.
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”
Psalm 139:14